Sunday, December 18, 2011


Four Days trip to Port Dickson.It's been awhile since I last went to port dickson. Miss the food there especially the food near the sea side! Their Nasi Goreng Cina is the BOMB and definitely i will not forget to order their 'si ham' hahahaa. I love it alot!But i know that i will have break out because of the toxic .But i couldn't resist the temptation of it. :D bad habit. yes i know. It's just hard to change. Need lots of time.* giving excuses* :D
But i was sick for the whole trip. First time ever! I've been coughing till today! Why can't it recover soon! Sob!

Picture time :D

More cam-whored picture!

and some picture taken in the car as well * i know i know * you all must be sick of my face already! 
But But i am sorry i am that vain!

When people go to port dickson surely they will go to the beach right? So am I . But let me WARN you guys first because i look ugly without make up! hahha and i am not shy to admit it. :D

I was actually in the water already! :) :)

It's getting darker now. And we set up our own camp fire :D

Did you spot the something there? Let me know if you do :) hahahaa.Okay i have to get my ass back to work. Update more soon alright <3

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